You were created to bear fruit.
Live out your purpose and serve God and others by using your God-given design to build the church and become all who He has created you to be.

Serve Together

God calls us to obediently serve Him in all things and faithfully equips us with the gifts and abilities needed to accomplish the work He has called us to. You were uniquely gifted to bring Him glory.

Consider Your Spiritual Gifts

Spiritual gifts are given by the Holy Spirit and are a part of our new life in Christ. They may be very different from our perceived capabilities or desires before salvation and may change as we grow in faith. A Spiritual Gift Inventory is available to you as a tool to consider your top strengths and how to apply them to serve Him and others. Once you complete your survey and receive your results, call or email us to schedule an appointment with a ministry advisor. You can begin serving now in the ministries that have immediate need. As you wait for your appointment, browse through the other opportunities below to discover the right fit for your gifting.

Worship Team

Do you have a passion for Christ and others through worship that is joyous, creative, and engaging? Our desire is to be known by our love, transparency and for our church body to be led by the Holy Spirit as they worship in spirit and in truth. We are always interested to add musicians, instrumentalists, and sound crew to our Sunday worship team.

For more information and to schedule an audition, contact:
Bart Mitchell: 970-731-2205 or

Children’s Ministries Servant

There are many opportunities to help bring these little ones before His throne of love. Servants with this ministry seek to win young souls for Jesus as they introduce the children to bible stories, memory verses, arts and crafts and other activities. A background check is required in order to serve in this ministry.

Serve Now.
For more information, contact:
Marlene Duncan: 970-731-2205 or
[email protected]

Life Team Leader

Discover true discipleship by hosting and leading a Life Team. You’ll find purpose in help others to grow in their faith, while creating new friendships and doing the Christian life together.

Start spiritual gift survey and contact:
Jon Duncan: 970-731-2205 or
[email protected]

Christian Life Class Teacher

Whether it’s children or adults, if you feel called to teach others to love God and love His Word, you may want to consider leading one of our Sunday morning Christian Life classes. Your spiritual gift could help forever change the life of another as you lead them to a closer walk with Jesus.

Start spiritual gift survey and contact:
Jon Duncan: 970-731-2205 or
[email protected]

Engagement Project Facilitator

Consider hosting and facilitating a new small group series by Dr. Del Tackett—The Engagement Project. This ten-week small group tour will take us on a marvelous quest of seeking the face of God through eye-opening video teaching, small group discussions and practical steps to help us engage with our neighbors.

Start spiritual gift survey and learn more by contacting:
Jon Duncan: 970-731-2205 or
[email protected]

Biblical Discipleship

More than ever, today’s church needs mature believers who understand the true call of Christian discipleship to help develop newer believers into mature disciples of Jesus Christ. Step up and help others to renew their thoughts, words, and actions by experiencing God’s grace, love and truth found only in His Word.

Start spiritual gift survey and contact:
Jon Duncan: 970-731-2205 or
[email protected]

Youth Ministry Meals

If you have the gift of hospitality and a heart for encouraging our youth to know more about Jesus, sign up for providing occasional meals for the OC Youth on Wednesday and TNL Youth on Thursday nights. You can choose from items to prepare or purchase and bring them to the church office or OC basement by 5:45 PM each Wednesday.

Serve Now.
For meal sign-up and more information, contact:
Church Office: 970-731-2205 or
[email protected]

Safety + Security Team

The Safety and Security team and ministry volunteers are trained to support a safe and secure environment for worship, Bible teaching, and fellowship at Centerpoint Church. Training is provided.

Serve now.
For more information, contact:

Steve Doerr: 505-307-9700

Welcome Ministry

The First Impressions Greeter Ministry provides a warm, friendly welcome and direction to everyone who walks through the church doors. Consider meeting new faces and becoming part of this important ministry.

Serve Now.
For more information, contact:

Marcelle Vittitow:
[email protected]

Hospitality Team

Only once a month, with your heart of hospitality you can provide and set up light snacks and coffee in the church lobby Café before 9:00 AM Sunday School and Worship.

Serve Now.
For more information, contact:

Marcelle Vittitow: 505-620-9959 or
[email protected]

Church Maintenance Team

Servants for this ministry are not afraid to get their hands dirty and take pride in the upkeep of the Lord’s house. This special group meets weekly to tackle special ad hoc maintenance projects in and around the church building.

Serve Now.
For more information, contact:
Bob David: 928-242-1395

Firewood Ministry

As we share the love of Jesus in our words and deeds, join with the men and women of the church who come together to gather, cut and split firewood that is delivered to those in need within our community.

Serve Now.
For more information contact:

Jon Duncan: 970-731-2205 or
[email protected]

Landscaping Maintenance

Do you have a green thumb? Well even if you don’t, consider joining this wonderful team of servants who trim shrubs and trees, pull weeds, plant flowers and keep the church grounds looking beautiful.

Serve Now.
For more information, contact:
Chris Mitchell: 469-766-0372

Snow Dudes

Can you weather the winter weather? Join the team that helps maintain a safe environment by plowing and removing snow on the Centerpoint Church campus.

Serve Now.
For more information, contact:
James Watkins: 970-946-5653

Loaves & Fishes

Loaves and Fishes is a volunteer operated community meal program that offers a free lunch every Thursday between 11:30 AM -1:00 PM at the Parish Hall, 445 Lewis Street in downtown Pagosa Springs. Centerpoint hosts the fifth Thursday of the month (4x a year), providing a wonderful meal and sharing Christ’s love.

Serve Now.
For more information, contact:
Lisa Irvin:
[email protected]

Connect to the Possibilities

We believe that Jesus changes everything He touches. And we believe that He often uses our hands to bring about that change. If you are a Centerpoint member who attends our fellowship regularly and feels God is calling you to start or lead a ministry, let us know. We’re here to listen to your story and help you with next steps.